Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We made it here! The flight from Brussels to Kigali, seemed so long, however pleasant and easy it was. Honestly, I personally kept thinking about my children. Kept praying for them and begging God for safety and against the feeling of abandonment. This is Joy writing.
We were greeted at the airport by a bunch of friends! All who came to help taxi us and our incredible amount of luggage back to where we are staying in a little place called Kibagabaga. Say it: Key - Bagga - Bagga. Now say it faster and laugh a little bit. :) Here we are staying with a sweet couple, Valerie and Appolinaire. They have been married since August of this year and are expecting their first child in May of 2011! We are so happy for this family to be growing!
When we arrived, the men of the group helped to move 5 very large suitcases, 2 small ones and the camera equipment in the house. We were overwhelmed with the sight of all that we brought at first, but after it’s all been organized and put in it’s own place outside of those cases, it feels more like a blessing. From “His Mercy House” in Howell, New Jersey, we have about 170 lbs. of shoes and clothing given to an orphanage in Kimisagara that has been unnofficially named “Mugisha’s Orphanage”. During our scouting trip in August this year, we became very close with this place. A small orphanage ministering very well to 21 children in the slums of Kimisagara. The building has been devistated by mudslides, the latrines overflowing and the need for education of practical practices even from the staff was needed. We’ve been in touch with this orphanage every other day and have the list of the children’s names and ages. Not only has His Mercy House supplied for their physical needs, but they have been praying for these children as well. You will meet these precious children in about a week, here on the blog.
Valerie and Appolinaire enjoyed opening a large suitcase from Valerie’s parents back in the states. American food, a toaster oven, a pot, baby clothes and pictures brought huge smiles to their faces and the night lit up with joy.
We’re eager to be awaiting the arrival of our second half of The Rwanda Project team from Costa Rica! Jose and Montse will fly in at 1:15pm today, and we can’t wait to be together!
We’re excited to share what will happen next! Thank you all for praying and coming along side of us as we enjoy seek to serve the orphans in Rwanda!


Laurel Greer said...

so so so glad the trip went well, cannot wait to see what's next!

Laurel Greer said...
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